Tuesday, May 10, 2011

HOT Tuesday

Goodness! It's like 90 degrees and the humidity is HORRIBLE. We went from frost advisories last week to this! lol.

My house is almost back in order as I spent 5 straight hours putting laundry and toys away, dressers together, vaccuuming, etc. I am beat. COMPLETELY beat. I am ready for Biggest Loser to come on and I'm going to plop myself down and watch it. lol. THEN I will take a shower. *sigh*

I'm a bit excited that things are looking better here so I can finish a few projects that I started but haven't completed. (As in the trim in my foyer and some pics I need to hang) lol

I have planted a few flowers though. I did some Lillies and some Hyacinths, as well as some Peonies. :)

Like these Peonies.

I hope that they bloom soon...we shall see.
Hopefully I am back tomorrow with some new updates and new projects being posted!!!

On a good note, I have lost 5lbs since last week!!!! WOOHOOOOOOOO! I am VERY happy!

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