Thursday, August 30, 2012

Doing It All; A Balancing Act

As a mom and a woman, I think most of us feel like we need to be able to do it all. I know that at times I am really hard on myself if I can't do it all because I think I SHOULD be able to. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. 

This morning one of my friends on FB posted a link to a blog and another mom wrote about this. (Isn't it funny how things are put in front of your face at certain times when you need it??? Can you say God works in mysterious ways?) 

Anyhoo, I have been struggling with balancing everything. 3 kids in school, homework for them, homework for me for my classes, the regular "mom" stuff, things at home/during the day with my daughter, making sure I have time with my husband, time for other family relationships and friendships. 

This past week or 2 has been spent getting everyone adjusted to being back on stricter schedules. SO far, KNOCK ON WOOD, things have been ok. We had one morning where one of the boys couldn't find shoes and I took the other boys to school, and he came home and spent an hour looking for shoes. FAIL. But I was NOT going to do it for him. (Love and Logic works wonders at times for them and for my own sanity). We will do another post on that on another day.

I have realized that I CAN NOT DO IT ALL. Only God can. The harder I try, the worse it gets. So I have to let go of wanting to be Mrs. June Cleaver and realize that I am "only" Mrs. Claudia. My family is the most important part of my life. I am NOT perfect and I will admit that. I would love to have a sparkling clean house where you could eat off the floors if you'd like. I'd love to have all of the kids' clothes hung up and put away nice and neat (speaking of which, why don't dryers automatically fold clothes for you??). I'd like to have perfect meals made daily. I'd like to be the perfect wife to my husband. I'm just not perfect. But I try. I get up every day and I try. That's all you can do. 

This life isn't about having it all and it being easy. I feel like I have a lot. For the most part, I am content.  I am not one to try and keep up with the Joneses. Although, if we had more money, it would be alot easier, (haha!) but I think a lot of people are in our spot, too. 

So for all of you moms and women out there who want it all but feel like you will never get there or you have made a mess of things, you aren't alone. I have had to change some of my expectations and you know what? Once I did, things seem to be a bit easier. 

Today I am thankful for acceptance. I am thankful that I can accept the fact that I am where I am and can only do what I can do. :)

Just remember when you visit, *Don't mind the mess, our kids are making memories*

Have a great day! 

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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Back to school, Back to school

(said in my best "Billy Madison" voice).

Hello again, blogland! School is back in session today. It's awfully quiet here with just my baby girl.

I have been consistently working out at the gym on Mondays and Wednesday mornings for the last couple of months. Mmm April or May, I think. I hate cardio. Love weights. :) Go figure.

I DID complete my first 5k EVER this weekend. Didn't do wonderful, but did NOT come in last. It seems the 5k gods were against were wrong and my right arm and hand went numb and swelled up. lol. But I pushed through and finished. Hoping to start the C25K program here next week.

I have also registered for school this classes start next week. It's been 11 years since I have been in school. YIKES. I am nervous and excited all at the same time. I am only taking 6 hrs this semester though. I want to be able to be with my kids etc.

I promise now that we are in a routine again that I will start blogging on a more consistent basis. I have SO many projects and recipes to share that I did over the summer!!!

What are you guys up to??